
I Bet You Didn’t Know 10

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Good morning! Happy, happy, happy MONDAY to you!

I haven’t written a “I Bet You Didn’t Know” post in quite awhile, so I figured it was time for another. If you’re unfamiliar with this blog post series, it’s basically just a bunch of random fun facts that you might not know otherwise. It always ends up being an interesting post, so here we go!

Since last Christmas, we’ve read Qman “The Night Before Christmas” nearly every night before bed. Last winter, my mom gave Quinn this book (it was once mine), and he instantly fell in love with it. He likes hiding little toys behind the different pop-up scenes, so we do it every night as part of his bedtime book routine.

then night before christmas pop-up book

CNC (finally) has a weekly newsletter! Woohoo! Be sure to sign up for special updates, deals, and giveaways! (FYI: The subscribe box is on the right side of my blog.)

Cake is my #1 favorite food, but 95% of the time, I only eat a few bites from the slice. But, 100% of the time, I eat ALL of the frosting. And sometimes I eat other people’s frosting too. Like, for instance, Mal’s frosting because he likes the cake and not the frosting as much, so I usually end up eating double frosting to make up for it. 🙂


I’m back at KFIT! They recently starting offering a 3:30 PM class and it works perfectly with my schedule, so I’ll likely be there once a week now.

kfit bootcamp

I celebrated Mother’s Day four months late. My mom, sister, and I planned to get together for manicures and pedicures, but it took us nearly 4 months to find a day that worked for all of us. We finally went on Saturday, and it was nice catching up and being pampered. FYI: My nail color is “Over the Taupe” from OPI.

OPI_Over The Taupe

I’m addicted to Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest Bars. That is all.

chocolate chip cookie dough quest bar_thumb[1]

When I feel like a good blogger, I feel like a bad mom. When I feel like a good mom, I feel like a bad blogger. After 2+ years, I’m still striving for the right balance.

I’m excited for fall because now I can wear my Hunter Boots all the time! Yesssssss! And, related, I’m totally obsessed with these two-tone Hunters. Somehow I need to justify owning two pairs. Love, love, love!


CVS Health makes lollipops for allergy relief. Isn’t this a fun idea for kids (and adults)? They’re grape-flavored lollipops that help with allergy symptoms, including itchy throats, sneezing, runny noses, etc.


Murphy sleeps in a bean bag chair because he gets too “excited” about dog beds. We found this affordable and washable one on Amazon, and he totally loves it. (Doesn’t he look regal in the photo below?)


Qman is super into cooking tongs lately. He uses them for everything: Picking up toys, bringing me random items from around the house, and even eating food from his plate, which I realize isn’t encouraging proper table etiquette, but, hey, at least he’s eating, right? (Related: Qman has been doing SO MUCH better lately– sitting at the table, trying new foods… he even asks to “eat” nowadays, which is a total 180 from what we were dealing with before. He’s really come a long way.) Anyway, Quinn napped with the tongs yesterday afternoon, which was adorable/weird. Truthfully, I wasn’t crazy about the idea, but he agreed to go right to sleep if he brought them to bed and he kept his word. He immediately laid down and went to sleep. Well, ok then. Tongs for the win!


Question of the Day

Parents: What’s the strangest thing your child has ever slept with? 

What is your favorite piece of fall attire? 

Any other Quest Bar fans out there? What’s your #1 flavor? 

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