How Murphy and I Spent Tuesday Afternoon

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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By the time I got home from Sweetgreen yesterday, it was just about time for Murphy‘s afternoon walk.

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It was a beautiful day (I think spring is finally here???), so I grabbed my iPhone, headphones, and headed out for a pug+podcast walk around the neighborhood. 

Yesterday, I listened to an episode of Chris Kresser’s Revolution Health Radio, which was all about fecal microbiota transplants and, not surprisingly, it was totally fascinating. Other parts of the world are having so much success with this treatment, but the U.S. is still years behind. At the Taymount Clinic in the United Kingdom, the success rate for C. diff remission is 100% while people are dying from it in the U.S.! Crazy, right? I hope with more research, this treatment will become available for IBD and IBS patients too. Anyway, if you’re interested in this topic, definitely check out Chris Kresser’s podcast.

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Midway through our walk, Murphy and I found a quarter, which probably isn’t that exciting for most people, but the pug was pretty pumped about it since he is getting closer and closer to buying something with his found earnings. (We’ve been collecting the loose change that we find on our walks all winter long.) I bet he buys a dog treat with it!

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After our walk, I suddenly felt so exhausted, like I needed a nap or something. I’m totally not a napper (I always wake up more tired and cranky), so I relaxed on the couch and read a magazine. Usually, I’d power through my sleepiness (and then go do a million things instead like the psycho that I am), but I just went with it yesterday. Baby Haupert is doing a lot of growing in the next several weeks, so I figured if I’m feeling tired, I should probably listen to my body and chill out. Plus, I’ve had the grossest cold and cough since the weekend, so some rest probably wouldn’t hurt.

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A couple of great money-saving tips from this month’s issue of AllYou:

  • “Know your price points! My stock-up price for toilet paper is 25 cents a roll. Whenever it costs that little, I run to the store; if it’s higher, I skip the sale.”
  • What savings strategy has made the biggest impact on your life: “Saving every $5 bill I get. It makes a huge difference! In the past few years, I’ve saved around $7,000.”

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The rest of my evening involved dinner, laundry, and watching a couple of episodes of True Detective because it’s Watchathon Week! Woohoo! I’m planning a Girls marathon in the coming days. I haven’t watched it since the first season, so I am really looking forward to catching up!

Questions of the Day

Are you a nap lover or hater?

What savings strategy has made the biggest impact on your life?

Have you seen True Detective? Thoughts?

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