
Highs & Lows

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Well, today was quite a roller coaster of highs and lows with regard to my emotions.

My day started at 3 o’clock this morning to the sound of Murphy choking. At first, I wasn’t too concerned because he frequently makes weird noises, including choking, coughing, yacking, and hacking, but, after a couple of minutes, his choking didn’t stop, so I flipped on the light to see what was going on. Immediately, I could see that Murphy was freaked out and uncomfortable, so I panicked and woke up Mal.

Once Mal was awake, we spent the next 30 minutes comforting Murphy and waiting for the choking to pass. Eventually, the three of us fell asleep and slept until about 5:30 when Murphy had another choking fit. At this point, Mal and I decided that we should take him to the emergency vet.

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We spent the next two hours at the vet”” one and a half of those hours sitting in a room with a choking dog waiting to be seen.

When the vet finally saw us, she examined Murphy and explained that he likely had Brachycephalic Syndrome, which is pretty common in short-nosed dogs. Basically, because of Murphy’s squishy face, he was having trouble breathing”” most likely due to an inflamed soft palate, which could have been aggravated by the recent warm weather, eating rawhide, or excessive panting from playing with his doggie friends yesterday afternoon.

Long story short, the vet said to wait for the inflammation to go down on its own and sent us home.

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On the drive home, Mal and I stopped by Marylou’s for iced coffees.

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At this point, Murphy was feeling much better”” so was Mal.

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For breakfast, I ate three bowls of cereal with banana slices and almond milk. Cereal has no chance around me!

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I spent the rest of the morning icing my knee and working. It was a beautiful day today, so this was especially lame.

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Around noon, I snacked on some crackers with veggie hummus and then made lunch a couple of hours later. I had a ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on an everything Bagel Thin with honey mustard and kale chips on the side.

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After lunch, I headed to Dancing Crow Yoga for a 90-minute Slow Flow Hatha Yoga class, which made my knee feel a million times better. Leaving class, it didn’t hurt at all walking down the two flights of stairs to the parking lot. It was a miracle! (It’s sore again now, but not nearly as bad as it was this morning!)

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When I returned home from yoga, dinner was waiting for me: Homestyle Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Ooooh, yes, it was, and I was psyched!

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The ingredients are absolutely disgusting, but I love fake, bright orange cheese, so enjoying this meal every once in awhile is totally worth it to me. It tasted amazing”” super cheesy, thick, creamy, and sort of sweet. If you’re okay with eating ”˜fake’ food on occasion, this is definitely one to try!

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Over the course of the day, Murphy’s condition didn’t get any better””in fact, it seemed to get worse”” so Mal and I took him back to the vet.

Two hours, an x-ray, and $350 later, the vet told us the exact same thing we heard the morning: Brachycephalic Syndrome. All that for nothing! (I can’t even imagine the two of us with children. We’re going to freak out over everything!)

Ok, well, the second trip to the vet was worth it simply for the peace of mind. Mal and I really started to worry that Murphy had something stuck in his throat. Thankfully, the x-ray showed a clear digestive track, so now we just need to wait for the swelling to go down in Murphy’s soft pallet. The pug is actually acting like his old self again, so, hopefully, he’s feeling better now.

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After all that, thankfully, the day ended on a high note!

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Good night, guys! The Hauperts are exhausted!

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