Hello from Atlanta, Georgia! First of all, let me start by saying that I have been a loyal Carrots ”˜N’ Cake reader for well over a year now. Tina has had a huge impact on my quest not only for health, but as well as finding out that I can balance my healthy eating by indulging in all of my favorite foods.
My name is Emily, lovingly called Em by my friends and family, and I have a little blog that I started last May called homecookedem’s blog. My blog name says a lot about me. I truly love eating at home – for many reasons!
First of all, my husband Andrew is an amazing cook. He never follows recipes and has pretty much taught himself everything he knows about cooking. There’s something very romantic about working together to prepare a nice meal. Cooking at home gives us a chance to reconnect after a long day over a warm meal.
Also, eating at home saves us a lot of money. I don’t know the exact amount we save each month, but by only going out to eat about once a month, I’m certain we save at least $200 per month. When you think that we’re saving around $2400 in year, that is a huge benefit in itself!
We all know that eating at home is overall much healthier. By cooking at home, we can rest easy knowing exactly what is being put into each of our meals, with Love of course being the ingredient used most often! We both have a passion for pizza, french fries, and hamburgers. But by making them at home we can transform these favorites by using gluten-free crust for pizza, baking our fries, and making veggie burgers in lettuce wraps. My husband has celiac disease, so eating out can make it a challenge to know for sure that the foods or products used do not contain gluten. And there is no tempting platter of desserts brought to out dinner table once dinner is finished!
I am not trying to make a claim that you should never eat out at restaurants. Andrew and I really enjoy going out every once in a while for a nice relaxing meal that we don’t have to cook. Some dishes from our favorite restaurants just simply can’t be recreated as perfectly. Getting all dressed up and getting in the car to go out for the night is much more exciting than it would be if it was a normal occurrence. There just seem to be a lot more benefits from eating at home most of the time and it works for us.
Gluten Free pizza with chicken, pineapple, and green peppers