Getting Back On Track

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Hi, I'm Tina!

Iā€™m the owner of Carrots ā€˜Nā€™ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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I woke up feeling a million times better my splurge-fest last night. And, surprisingly, I even woke up feeling a little bit hungry! Weird, right? All I know is that I am back on track today! šŸ˜€

A few thoughts/tips about getting back on track after a splurge:

  • I always remember that I can get back on track. There is never a wrong time to focus on healthy eating. The splurge is in the past, and now all I can do is get myself back on the right track. There’s no point in beating myself up over it.
  • Some people reduce their calorie intake to compensate for a splurge. If this works for you, great. Keep on doing what works for you. For me, cutting calories makes me feel deprived (and unhappy), so I don’t do it. Instead, I eat normally the next day.Ā 
  • After a splurge, I eat normally, but try to focus on selecting extra nutritious foods, like fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and, of course, lots of water. Knowing that I am consuming the best possible options makes me feel better about over-doing-it. Ā 
  • A sweaty workout after overindulging always makes me feel better. I make sure to schedule one into my day.Ā 
  • For me, life is too short not to splurge from time-to-time. However, I make it a point to identify why I went overboard in the first place. This helps me the next time I am faced with a splurge-type ofĀ situation. Live and learn.Ā 


This morning’s breakfast consisted of three delicious parts: Fruit salad, pumpkin oats, and iced coffee.Ā 

In my oat bowl:

  • 1/2 cup dry oats
  • 2 tbsp wheat bran
  • 1/3 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup vanilla hemp milk
  • Splash of water
  • Barney ButterĀ 

Question of the Day

I’ve already asked this question on the blog, but it’s always a fun one! Plus, I love finding birthday twins!Ā 

When is your birthday?

I’ll go first: June 19, 1980. I’ll be 29 on Friday– the final year of my 20’s! šŸ˜Æ

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