
Ep238: Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable in Business with Nicole Bekerian of Simply The Best

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Fit + Fueled

An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
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In this episode, Tina chats with Nicole Bekerian, an entrepreneur and owner of Simply The Best. Nicole shares her inspiration for starting her jewelry business, advice for building and launching a business as well as how she recognizes and deals with overwhelm and burnout. She also discusses the importance of having a business coach, finding a like-minded community, and establishing boundaries to succeed as a solopreneur.

Nicole talks about:

  • How her dog inspired her to start her own business
  • What is permanent jewelry 
  • Challenges she faced when she started her business
  • Advice for women who want to start a side hustle 
  • Advice to prevent overwhelm and burnout 
  • Importance of community and setting boundaries in business 
  • Her superpower and favorite life hack 


Connect with Tina Haupert:
Facebook: Carrots ‘N’ Cake 
Instagram: carrotsncake 
YouTube: Tina Haupert  
Pinterest: Carrots ‘N’ Cake Hormone Testing & Nutrition Coaching 


About Tina Haupert: 

Tina Haupert is the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). 

Tina and her team use functional testing and a personalized approach to nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.


Connect with Nicole Bekerian:

About Nicole Bekerian:

Nicole Bekerian is the owner and founder of Simply the Best by Nicole. Her journey started in May 2021, when she decided to pursue a dream that she had since she was a little girl – starting her own business.

The decision to center her business around jewelry was an easy one – she has always loved how different pieces can hold significant meanings or add exactly what is needed to your favorite outfit. It’s so important to her that all of my clients have an opportunity to choose pieces they really love and create a memorable experience.

I’ve always been someone who appreciates the simple things in life and that translates to my jewelry designs. Simplicity can speak volumes.

Simply the Best was born after saying goodbye to my dog and best friend of 11 years, Gibbs – because he was – simply the best. I wanted a tangible reminder of him always with her, so she created the signature, a simple black onyx gemstone bracelet (which symbolizes protection and strength) with eleven spacers to signify his eleven years.

After that initial piece, she was excited about the future and wasted no time – she even wrote up a business plan while waiting for a flight home at the airport.

Once my flight landed, she kept dreaming and creating more jewelry.

She always knew it was very important to be inclusive with my sizing. Like clothes, jewelry needs a range of different sizes! She hated the experience of being worried about whether or not a bracelet may be too tight or wondering whether or not a necklace for a friend would be too short or too long on them because of “standard” sizing. With this in mind, all of her pieces are made in various sizes and can be made at any size upon request so that it fits perfectly.

Today, my business serves to share unique and meaningful designs with you and your loved ones. Because they believe you deserve – simply the best.

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