Good morning! Happy Hump Day!
I’m not going to lie, I sort of want one of these buttons. I’d probably wear it too. (Pug people are weird. But, I guess you already know that, right?)
Last Night’s Workout
SUPER FUN workout last night!! I love changing it up!
I met Marie, her friend, Faran, and a new internet friend, Mary, for a bootcamp-style workout at our gym. I love trying new workouts and it was awesome to do it with friends.
The class was a 20-station circuit, where each exercise was done for 60 seconds before moving onto the next station. It took the instructor a solid 15 minutes to explain all of the different exercises, so, initially, I thought I wouldn’t get a good workout, but, boy, was I wrong!!
I pushed myself really hard for each of the exercises. I mean, they were only 60-seconds each, so I figured I might as well make it worth my time. Well, I ended up pushing myself a little too hard because I got lightheaded and dizzy, which never happens to me! It was actually sort of scary, so I took a break and grabbed water before starting again. Even still, I loved the workout, and I’ll definitely go back!
Last Night’s Dinner
Mal made egg salad with mashed avocado (instead of mayo) for dinner last night. I added my portion to a bed of arugula and topped it with flax oil, Garlic Gold, and red pepper flakes. Mmm! Good dinner. Very satisfying.
This morning, I woke up bright and early to meet my Back on my Feet team for a workout. When I left my house, it was already 62 degrees, so I had a feeling we’d run outside today”” and we did! We spent the entire workout running/walking around the outdoor track at the YMCA.
Recently, the group has shrunk from 18 to just 6 residents, but everyone ran today. Yay! BOMF is also hosting a session next week to recruit more members to the Father Bill’s Team. I hope we get some new residents!
When I got home, I dug into my overnight oats in a jar that I made last night before bed. In the mix: oats, banana slices, almonds, chia seeds, almond milk, and an extra scoop of peanut butter. Later, I poured myself a glass of iced coffee with soy milk.
With the potential for licking my empty peanut butter jar, Murphy wasn’t too far away. As soon as I started eating my breakfast, he wanted to sit in my lap. I know he loves me, but his actions were pretty obvious.
It’s Murphy’s world; I just live in it.
Feel Great Weight
This week’s Feel Great Weight post is about sweat! Of course, sweat is important to exercise. It’s our body’s way of cooling off so that it doesn’t overheat. But does it guarantee that I’m getting a good workout? Check out what I had to say: Do You Have to Sweat to Get a Good Workout?
Question of the Day
Do you have to sweat to get a good workout? Are super sweaty workouts better than ones that you don’t sweat as much?
P.S. You can win all of the ingredients to make your own overnight oats in a jar. Check out my giveaway on Trading Up Downtown!