For the first time in months, our weekly grocery shopping came in under budget! Woohoo!
Coupons and in-store sales helped, but the main reason for coming in under budget was because we didn’t need to buy as much meat”” thanks to the 25-pounds of grass-fed beef in our freezer!
Right after I published my Grocery Q & A post, a local reader contacted me about purchasing grass-fed beef from a family farm in Ohio, which he would then deliver right to our front door. The cost worked out to be only $6.85/pound (a lot less than Whole Foods) and we’d get a variety of cuts (thick steaks, ground beef, roasts and/or stew meat), so it sounded like a great deal and now we’re set with grass-fed beef for at least a couple of months. Sweet!
Here’s this week’s meal plan and shopping list:
- Sunday: Gingery Beef and Broccoli
- Monday: Chicken & Rice Salad with Peanut Sauce
- Tuesday: Steak with Pesto Potatoes and asparagus
- Wednesday: Out to dinner or Shrimp Stir Fry
- Thursday: Make-Your-Own-Tacos
- Friday: Wing it (visiting Dave & Marie!!!)
- Saturday: Wing it
Grocery shopping list*:
- Bananas
- Almond milk
- Romaine lettuce
- Tomatoes
- Bacon
- Baby carrots
- Deli turkey
- Deli cheese
- Chicken thighs
- Green bell pepper
- Brussels sprouts
- Broccoli
- Eggs
- Tortillas
- Eggnog
- Cream cheese
- Rotel
- Shredded cheese
- Pesto
- Spinach
- Onion
- Coleslaw mix
- Tomato sauce
- Pistachios
- Tortilla chips
- Pepperoni
*My shopping list doesn’t include all of the ingredients necessary to make the above meals. For a complete list, please see the individual recipes linked above.
P.S. You still have time to enter my giveaway to win $100 cash! I will pick a winner tomorrow morning!