Holy moly, I just went on a major cleaning spree. Our house wasn’t even all that messy, but the urge to clean just came over me. Does that ever happen to you? You just feel the need to clean? I’m not usually psyched about cleaning, but, sometimes, it feels good to do!
So fresh.
So clean.
Where’d Waldo Murphy?
When I was snapping photos of our nice clean house for this post, I realized I never showed you guys pics of our newly painted kitchen, so here you go!
The new color really brightens up the room, right?
I like the light blue so much better than the dark red paint!
Ok, onto today’s eats!
This morning’s breakfast was a Sweet Breakfast Scramble with a big scoop of almond butter. Obviously, I’m really digging this breakfast lately””I think I ate it everyday this week. For those of you who asked, it tastes more like banana and cinnamon than eggs and squash.
Just a few hours later, my stomach start to grumble again. It wasn’t even 11:00, but I was HUNGRY!
On the menu: two eggs + two egg whites mixed with mushrooms, spinach, and scallions. It was simple, delicious, and satisfying.
After lunch, I cleaned the house, and when I finished, I used some wilted kale to make a green juice-like substance. It wasn’t quite juice, but it wasn’t a smoothie either.
In the mix: kale, half of a cucumber, an apple, a pear, and water.
Mal just got home, so we’re taking Murphy to the park and then going to CrossFit.
Happy Friday, friends!!!