
Carpe Diem Kryptonite

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Good morning! Happy Friday!

I had a tough time getting out of bed this morning. I usually set my alarm for 5:45 AM, but I forgot to set it last night. Mal woke up with his alarm, no problem, this morning, but he let me sleep in. What a nice guy!

A little after 6:00 AM, Murphy came back to bed. (He eats his breakfast and then gets back in bed until mid-morning when I force him to go for a walk.) The pug was all warm and cozy, curled up next to me like a croissant, so it made getting out of bed this morning very difficult. Mal and I actually call this move “carpe diem kryptonite” because Murphy ruins any chance of us getting out of bed and seizing the day. He’s so darn comfortable, we just want to stay in bed and cuddle him all morning long.

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Eventually, I forced myself out of bed and made myself some breakfast. On the menu: a French Toast Breakfast Scramble with some butternut squash mixed in. I had about 2-3 tablespoons leftover from last night’s dinner, so instead of tossing it, I saved it for this morning to add into my breakfast. I also drank a decaf iced coffee with almond milk.


As always, I also added a couple of scoops of peanut butter to my breakfast. I finished off the jar, so I let Murphy lick the inside.


The peanut butter jar was actually a plastic one from Whole Foods (their chunky peanut butter is really good, btw), so Murphy had a blast running (excitedly) all over the house with it in his mouth. Usually, I give him an empty jar of Teddie peanut butter to lick, which is glass and a lot heavier and more difficult to move, so he just eats it in one place. The plastic jar was a lot lighter, so he started licking it in the kitchen and then moved to the back room near my office and then finally ended up on the couch to finish it. (I guess he wanted to get good and comfortable while he enjoyed his peanut butter.) Murphy was so cute and he totally made my morning! I love dogs.


Question of the Day

What’s your relationship with the alarm clock? Do you get up as soon as it goes off or do you hit snooze? If you’re a snoozer, how many times do you typically hit it before you get up?

P.S. Just had to share this comic with the zombie (and treadmill?) lovers! Haha!

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