
Beth’s Bash

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Beth’s bachelorette was a huge success! (I’m still laughing about funny things that happened last night.) The bride-to-be definitely enjoyed her special night out!

I arrived in Newport just in time for Happy Hour, which included a plethora of drinks, appetizers, and desserts.

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How adorable are these cookies!?!

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After a couple of hours of eating, drinking, and being merry, everyone gathered for a few bachelorette games. The first was a lingerie clothing line for the bride-to-bed.

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Everyone purchased a little something for Beth, and then she tried to guess who gave her each piece based on the style, color, etc.

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Once Beth correctly guessed all of the pieces, we played another game, which involved Play Doh and dirty positions. I’m sure you can figure out how it was played! 😉

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The game was absolutely hysterical! Everyone was cracking up!

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The winning teams received stick-on mustaches as prizes.

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These were also hilarious.

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After some more eating and drinking, it was time to get Beth dressed up to hit the town.

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Our group spent the rest of night at The Black Rhino where plenty of shenanigans ensued.

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I only included the PG photos from last night to avoid embarassing anyone with us. Let’s just say Beth’s Bash was A LOT of fun!

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