
Basketball & Beer

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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A bunch of you guys guessed correctly! Mal and I went to the Celtics game for our date night tonight.

I haven’t been to a game all season, so I was really excited when my sister-in-law gave Mal and me tickets for Christmas this year. What an awesome gift! Thanks, Sib! 😀


[rewind to this afternoon]


After I got home from work, I snacked on a Gala apple and a handful of almonds.


And, then I headed out with Mal and Murphy for a long walk around the neighborhood. The weather was so beautiful this afternoon, we needed to take advantage of it! (We made a little pit-stop outside of Starbucks.)



Before heading into the Celtics game, Mal and I grabbed dinner at Half Time Pizza.


As expected, the place was packed with Celtics fans before the game.


I was only planning to order a slice of pizza for dinner, but my husband ordered me a big beer to go along with my slice. The whole exchange happened so quickly, I didn’t even have a chance to turn it down. Oh, well. I can always enjoy a nice, cold beer! 😉


Mmm… love this pizza! For some reason, its flavor reminds me of mac & cheese.


Huge beers.


Seriously, they were huge. Each beer was 32 ounces! 😯


I needed both hands to drink it!


Beer curl!!! :mrgreen:


Beer curls are very different than pug curls or burrito curls! 😉

After pizza + beer, it was time to head into the game.


(If you’re curious, I drank about 3/4 of my huge-ass beer! 😉 )

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Mal and I had a really nice time at the Celtics game tonight. I love date night! Plus, it’s always fun to see the Celtics play, especially when they win! They killed the Nuggets tonight! 😀



My slice of pizza + beer didn’t hold me over, so now I am snacking on a bowl of Kashi + Galaxy Granola with non-fat milk. I’m not even finished with my first bowl, and I’m already debating eating a second one. I’m hungry!


I have an early Body Pump date with Marie. Better get to bed!


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