Back on the Flax

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Good morning! Happy Thursday!

I’m back on the flax train after slacking last month. If you remember, I’ve done seed cycling for several months now, and it was working great. My periods were regular, my skin looked amazing, my mood was mostly steady, and I didn’t have too many PMS symptoms, except for night sweats, which I’m starting to think I will have for my entire life. (I get them right before my period when estrogen levels drop. Apparently, I’m just really sensitive to the change.) Last month, I continued to take the recommended supplements, but I skipped out on the flax and other seeds in my diet, and I definitely noticed a difference. My skin was dry and broke out. I felt much more exhausted and moody. And my PMS symptoms sucked this month (weepy, sore breasts, cramps). I’m assuming the lack of flax is what made things go haywire, so I’m back on the flax train with the hope that it’ll be a better month.

This morning, I made Banana Flax Oatmeal for breakfast. I usually make overnight oats and then just heat them up in the morning, but I didn’t think of it until I was ready to eat this morning. So, I used this little microwave hack and made a double batch, so I have oats ready to go tomorrow morning. I use this awesome Pyrex bowl with lid to make my oats, so I don’t have to worry about them exploding all over the microwave. If you’ve read CNC long enough, you know I’ve had more than a couple oatmeal explosions over the years!

Microwave Banana Flax Oatmeal

Makes 2 servings


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2/3 cup oats
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup ground flaxseed
  • 2 scoops collagen
  • Cinnamon

Directions: Combine ingredients in a microwave-safe dish with a cover. Place dish in microwave and cook for three minutes. Stir and fully mash bananas. Divide between two bowls. Eat!

FYI: Freshly ground flaxseed work best, so I use this mini coffee bean grinder. I make a small batch every few days (and store them in the fridge), and it takes like 60 seconds start to finish to make a new batch. It’s definitely worth it to get the best effects!

After breakfast, I got Quinn and myself ready for the day. I drop him off at daycare. It’s “mix and match” day, so he is rocking camo pants with a striped shirt and yellow frog socks. He looks so cool.

I head to the gym for a workout, which was a (mostly) body-weight sweat session, which I am starting to appreciate more and more nowadays. Sometimes, the HEAVY weights are just too much for my body. Of course, I love a good, heavy workout, but it’s nice to have a break every once in awhile.

I stayed after class to do some glute work before heading home. As Mal says: ” It’s legging season!” Haha!

Question of the Day

Do you have hormonal issues? Have you tried seed cycling?

Related: I’ve told a number of real life girlfriends about seed cycling, and they are so skeptical of it. I know it sounds super hippy-dippy, but I’m a believer! Plus, what do you have to lose? If anything you add some healthy fats to your diet! 🙂

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