Good morning! š
I woke up bright and early this morning and cooked my sleeping husband a breakfast fit for a king. I made all of his favorites: garlic homefries, scrambled eggs with sun-dried tomato and basil chicken sausage, and toast with lots of butter. He was a happy guy when he woke up and smelled the deliciousness cooking in the kitchen! š
I used a fancy-schmancy garlic oil (from my tip to ) for the homefries. It gave them a nice, subtle garlic flavor.
I also enjoyed some iced coffee with breakfast.
This morning’s breakfast wasn’t the healthiest, but my husband sure liked it! Of course, I don’t always eat this way, but I think enjoying a meal like this every once in awhile is totally fine.
I get a lot of questions from readers about dealing with a spouse/partner who does not embrace a similar healthy lifestyle as them. A number of readers have also written about their partners bringing not-so-healthy foods into the house– like ice cream, cookies, and tortilla chips– and have asked for my advice about how to avoid these temptations.
A few months ago, I wrote a post for Health called 5 Ways to Keep Your Marriage from Making You Fat in which I give five simple strategies for inspiring you and your partner to slim down– and stay that way. I love all of these ideas and keep them in mind often.
In addition to these tips, what really works for me is keeping Mal’s unhealthy foods separate from mine. (There’s no way he’s giving up his favorite foods!) Mal has his own shelf in the pantry where he keeps all of his junk food. It’s actually sort of high and hard to reach, so, in my mind, this shelf is āoff limitsāĀ to me. In fact, I usually forget that his snacks are even there. Plus, I have my own shelf where I keep my healthy stuff. I go there first when I am feeling snacky.
(Here’s what my shelf usually looks like when I’m not taking a photo of it for the blog! š )
I enjoy eating the same foods as my husband (BBQ chips, M&Ms, Blizzards, etc.), but I eat a much smaller portion than he does. Check out the difference in our plates this morning.
Question of the Day
Does your partner (or someone else in your life) help or hinder your healthy living efforts? How do you deal?