Good morning! Happy Monday! I hope you guys had a fabulous weekend!
On Friday afternoon, Murphy and I drove to Fenway Park for the 1000 Pugs photo shoot.
We arrived right on time and then met the photographer, Amanda, who spent a solid 20 minutes photographing Murphy.
He was a natural.
And highly motivated by food.
Amanda had Murphy pose in 5 or 6 different places around Fenway Park. At one point, she got him to sit on a ledge at one of the ticket booths. It was adorable.
As you can see, Murphy ended up going with his blue Puppia harness. He wore it there and Amanda liked it, so we just stuck with it. Blue is a good color on him.
I chatted with Amanda during Murphy’s session””here are a few fun things I learned about the 1000 Pugs project:
- As of Friday, she’s taken 104,000 pug photos.
- The idea for 1000 Pugs came about because her pug chewed up a copy of A Thousand Dogs. She thought it would be neat to have a book of a thousand pugs and so the idea was born.
- Amanda’s upcoming 40th birthday eventually motivated her to take on this project.
After the photo shoot, Murphy and I stopped by Tasty Burger. (There’s a walk-up, dog-friendly window.) Mal mentioned Tasty Burger, oh, a half dozen times that morning, so I bought us a couple of burgers for dinner.
Friday night was pretty low-key. Mal and I ate our Tasty Burgers, caught up with our DVR, and went to bed early. It was awesome.
On Saturday morning, the landscapers arrived bright and early to get a head start on our walkway and front lawn.
They made some serious progress! I can’t wait to see the final product later this week!
That morning, I made OMG Pancakes! for Mal and me for breakfast and then we headed to CrossFit. It was my first workout in nearly 2 weeks, so I was beyond psyched to be back. (FYI: Taking all that time off from intense exercise didn’t seem to make a difference. I’m still bleeding. Grrr.)
Best quote ever:
Our box is starting a Paleo Challenge today (Monday), so we did “Jackie” as a benchmark WOD, which we’ll repeat at the end of the Challenge to see how much we’ve improved.
Paleo Challenge Benchmark WOD:
For time:
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
I finished in 10:47 using the prescribed weight for the Thrusters (45 pounds) and a #2 band for the pull-ups, which took me forever to do. Basically, here’s how the workout went for me:
- I flew through the row and finished just under 4 minutes. I felt great.
- I busted out 30 Thrusters and then broke the last 20 into two sets of 10. Mal came over and cheered me on, so I pushed through the best I could. My quads were BURNING!
- I made in through the first 10 pull-ups without much problem. By the time I made it to 18-20, I was breaking them into sets of 2-3 reps. Yep, the pull-ups totally kicked my ass.
I was doing pretty well with kipping pull-ups before I started dealing with all of this colitis stuff, but, as you can see, I’ve definitely lost some strength. It’s a bummer, but I know I can get back there, and I’m ready to work for it again. After class on Saturday, I set a goal for myself to get 12 consecutive kipping pull-ups by November 30th, which is the end of the Paleo Challenge, so I’m motivated to get back to where I was before. Goals rule.
After the WOD, I headed home and drank some Pro Performance L-Glutamine Powder that GNC sent me. It’s great for post-workout recovery, but I learned from Practical Paleo that L-Glutamine also helps heal the epithelial cells that line the small intestine. Win-win, right? Heal intestines heal! I like that this product only includes L-Glutamine and not a zillion other funky ingredients. It’s a flavorless powder and blends easily with any liquid. I just mixed it with water. Do any of you guys use L-Glutamine? What do you think of it?
Ok, so let me tell you about this Paleo Challenge and why I decided to do it. Here are the rules from my box:
Paleo Challenge Rules
LENGTH: Monday, October 1, 2012 to Friday, November 30th (61 days in total)
For entry and a chance to win the first place prize, all participants MUST:
- pay $20 to enter
- write a check for $30* made out to CrossFit 781
- keep a food log and keep track of their points
- make a goal that can be attained in two months
- complete baseline workout “Jackie” before and after the challenge
- take before measurements and weight
* At the end of the Challenge, if you have reached the goal that you wrote for yourself, your check will be ripped up. If you do not, your check will go toward the winners.
I bet you’re wondering why I’m doing this Paleo Challenge, especially since “I don’t do diets.” Well, there’s actually a bunch of reasons!
- I pretty much already eat a Paleo-esque diet. I like eating this way and it makes me feel great!
- When our box did Paleo Challenges in the past, I always felt kind of left out, so I decided to join in on the fun this time.
- I love chatting with others about food (eating well, recipes, blogs, cookbooks, etc.), bouncing around ideas and learning from each other.
- I like that there’s a fitness and a goal element to this Challenge.
- I recently changed my own diet to eat more Paleo-like, so I’d love to share my experience and offer advice to my fellow CrossFitters.
- There’s a chance to win money and prizes!
I actually don’t think you’ll notice much of a difference here on CNC. I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing, but now I’m more involved with what’s happening at my box, which makes me happy. I {heart} CrossFit 781.
Part II coming next! It was a great weekend!
P.S. Local dog owners: A reader just told me about this race and it sounds like a lot of fun, so I wanted to pass it along: 1st ANNUAL Newburyport “Howling Mile” – Owner and Dog Run!