
6 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism Right Now

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Fit + Fueled

An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
Get all the tools to take your physique into your hands. Over six-months, you’ll transform your life, mindset, and body in this program that’s part-course, part-coaching, and part-community.

Here you go… let’s get down to business with 6 ways to boost your metabolism right now. Yes, right now.

EAT PROTEIN AT EVERY MEAL – It’s easy to meal prep baked chicken breasts, grilled fish, or buy rotisserie chicken, Greek yogurt, or vacuum-packed tuna. Add protein to every meal for an added boost.⁠

DRINK ENOUGH WATER – Start and end your day with an 8oz glass and keep a filled water bottle handy at all times. Half your body weight in water ounces or more helps with proper digestion.⁠

LIFT HEAVY THINGS – Lifting ‘heavy for you’ weights not only gives you the ‘toned’ (aka strong) look you want, but more muscle means higher metabolism. Lift those weights ladies, I promise you won’t come out looking like Popeye!⁠

DO HIIT TRAINING – High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) raises your heart rate and helps you burn calories long after you’ve stopped your workout. Do this in moderation and you’ll see increased metabolism over time.⁠

MOVE MORE – Park far from the entrance, take the stairs, walk around the house or step away from your desk for a 2-minute dance party. All of this increases your Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), an unstoppable metabolism booster.⁠

SLEEP WELL – Easier said than done I know, but the longer, deeper, better quality of sleep you can get, the more your metabolism will work for you. 7-9 hours a night for optimal metabolic benefit.⁠

I challenge you to focus on hitting two of these six metabolism-boosting strategies this entire week. For me, it’s eating enough protein and getting enough sleep. Comment below which strategies you’ll be focusing on below so I can cheer you on!⁠

Want to learn more about boosting your metabolism? Sign up for my FREE masterclass, Unstuck Your Metabolism! There are 2 session this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Don’t wish you had signed up!

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