Good morning!
Here’s Week 3 of my 5 Minutes a Day (May) Booty Challenge! Every Thursday from now until the end of May, I’ll share 5 days worth of workouts for the following week to get your booty in tip top shape for summer. If you missed Week 1 and Week 2, no worries! You can totally start at the beginning right now. There’s still one more week of the challenge, so you’ll have plenty of time get your booty in shape for the beach!
DAY 11
1 minute Goblet Squat to Side Lunge
1 minute Side Steps with band
1 minutes Goblet Squat to Side Lunge
1 minute Side Steps with band
1 minutes Goblet Squat to Side Lunge
If the Goblet Squat to Side Lunge is a new move for you, here’s how to do it. You start by performing a regular Goblet Squat.
On your way back to standing, you’ll turn to the right and descend into a lunge.
Then, you’ll turn back to a Goblet Squat.
And then finish with a left side lunge. You’ll continue to do this movement for one minute before moving onto the next exercise.
For the Side-Steps, use a resistance band either around your ankles or just above the knee. Both ways will make your booty burn!
DAY 12
Tabata (8 rounds of 20-seconds work, 10-seconds of rest – use a timer or tabata app to keep track):
Bulgarian Split Squats (alternate right and left side)
Alternating Step-Ups
1 minute Squats with 5-second hold
Here’s how this one works:
- 0:20 Bulgarian Split Squats (right side)
- 0:10 Rest
- 0:20 Alternating Step-Ups
- 0:10 Rest
- 0:20 Bulgarian Split Squats (left side)
- 0:10 Rest
- 0:20 Alternating Step-Ups
- 0:10 Rest
Repeat above
- 0:60 Squats with 5-second holds
DAY 13
1 minute Glute Bridge
1 minute Glute Bridge with right leg parallel to floor
1 minute Glute Bridge with left leg parallel to floor
1 minute Glute Bridge with right leg perpendicular to floor
1 minute Glute Bridge with left leg perpendicular to floor
Be sure to really lift your hips up!
And, of course, squeeze your glutes on each rep!
DAY 14
DAY 4 WORKOUT <— I liked this workout so much, I just had to add it again!
DAY 15
100 Squats
100 Leg Flutters (on bench or floor)
Feel free to split up the reps (i.e. 10 sets of 10, 4 sets of 25) or do all 100 at once. It’s totally up to you!
Happy sweating and keep a look out for Week 4’s workouts next Thursday!
Note: Please consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.