POV: You can’t fall asleep, and when you do, you can’t stay asleep. Ugh, enter tired, groggy eyes and zombie-ing through the day till coffee zips you awake.
Did you ever think maybe your hormones are to blame? Did you know there are 3 ways your hormones wreck your sleep? Oooh, yes! Read on to learn how imbalanced hormones can really mess with your sleep!
3 ways your hormones can wreck your sleep

1. Having high cortisol…
I see this again and again with my clients (and what I struggled with myself) – when they have high cortisol, which is the stress hormone, it’s tough to wind down at bedtime.
Ever felt wired and tired? Yep, blame it on the high cortisol.
2. Having low progesterone…
Ladies in your 30s, 40s, and 50s, our progesterone levels will start to decline as we get older. It’s not the best because progesterone is a calming hormone; it can make us sleepy.
Also, if you are super stressed, you’ve been overtraining, under-eating or you’ve been on the pill or an IUD, you’re probably suffering from low progesterone, too.
HINT: learn my secret sauce tip on how to solve low progesterone in my recent Youtube video! And here are some more symptoms of low progesterone and what to do about it. Low progesterone is super common in women in their mid-to-late 30s and 40s. It naturally starts to wane as we get older.
3. Having low melatonin…
Melatonin is our sleepy time hormone ~ and 80% of it is made in the gut ~ So if you have any chronic gut issues, whether it’s constipation, IBS, or loose bowels, it could contribute to low melatonin.
Head to my Youtube channel and snag the bonus tip that made a difference in my struggle with insomnia!
Are you unknowingly gaining weight because of hormones?
Then let’s figure out how to stop it! Download my FREE guide below!