
24 Days of Togetherness

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Hi, guys!

Remember when Mal and I started our tradition of 24 Days of Togetherness last year? If not, it was a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays and have some fun together. Here’s a recap of our experience.

24 Days of Togetherness

Mal and I are planning to do 24 Days of Togetherness once again this year, but we’re adding a little twist.

Last year, I came up with all 24 of the things that we did together because the idea was originally a special surprise for Mal. This year, we’re changing up how the 24 items are selected, so we’re both involved. We’ll pick some of them together and then divide the rest between the two of us, so we can create our own fun ideas. Here’s how we are splitting up the 24 days:

  • 12 days that we’ll choose together””more of the “traditional” holidays things that we like to do together (i.e. drink eggnog, listen to holiday music)
  • 6 days that Mal will pick (they will be a surprise for me)
  • 6 days that I will pick (they will be a surprise for Mal)

And we decided that the ideas can be anything. I’m sure most of them will be holiday-inspired, but if Mal wants to get burritos at Chipotle together one night, it’s his call (and, of course, I’d be more than happy to join him).

Ok, that’s all. Just wanted to give you guys a little reminder in case you wanted to participate and so you can start thinking of some ideas!


Last night’s dinner was partly from Whole Foods. When I picked up the mushroom soup for lunch yesterday, I also grabbed some goodies from the salad and hot bars for dinner. I had a huge head of lettuce at home already, so just bought the toppings for a big ol’ salad.

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I was never much of a salad dressing fan in the past (I always went without), but I love this balsamic vinaigrette. It’s so delicious. I’d honestly just eat it on plain salad greens.

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After dinner, I enjoyed more Moose Munch, but I practiced a little portion control by putting some in a small bowl instead of eating it straight from the bag like I did all afternoon long.

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Fresh Food Generation

Just wanted to share this really cool project that is happening in Boston. A CNC reader told me about it because her boyfriend, Jackson Renshaw, and his business partner, Cassandria Campbell, are co-founding a farm-to-plate food truck that will serve all of Boston with an emphasis on low-income neighborhoods. Their mission is to bring good food to areas that are often forgotten about and left with very few options.

I absolutely love this idea and immediately made a donation to their Kickstarter campaign to raise money for the truck. They’ve raised over half their goal, but they need to raise the full amount before the deadline, which is just 17 days, or they do not get any of the money raised. (It’s just how Kickstarter works.)

If you’d like more information about this project, please watch the video below, and I hope you consider donating. It’s such an amazing idea, and I would love to see this program launched in Boston. And, of course, feel free to spread the word about it!

Health News & Views

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is this week, but I’m ready for the feast of all feasts! I’m excited for my grandmother’s buttery mashed potatoes, my aunt’s sweet potato casserole (you know, the one covered in toasted mini marshmallows?), and my mom’s pumpkin pie, which is my very favorite Thanksgiving dish.

Of course, pumpkin pie is a rather decadent dessert, especially with all of the sugar and heavy cream, so it’s not low in calories, fat, or waistline friendly. I will have a (small) slice of my mom’s pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving dinner this week, but since I’d like to  enjoy that pumpkin pie taste all year long,  I created this lighter, healthier smoothie.

This Pumpkin Pie Smoothie is thick, creamy, and loaded with vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. It’s almost as delicious as the real thing!

Try This Delicious Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Recipe


Questions of the Day

What holiday tradition are you looking forward to most this year?

What’s your favorite kind of salad dressing?

P.S. BIC Bands is having a huge Black Friday sale right now! Get FREE shipping & a Bargain BIC Band for all orders over $40 with code BigSale at checkout. Offer expires: Cyber Monday, December 2, 2013.

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