How We Keep Our Days Sane and Smooth

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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I’m sure a lot of the parents have heard the saying above more than once: The days are long but the years are short. And, boy, does it ring true. Life with a little one is typically all-consuming and the majority of my day centers around Quinn. He’s a really happy baby and usually easy to please, but, even still, he likes activity””new toys, new people, new surroundings””so we’re often on-the-go or doing something. And when he’s napping, I’m running around the house like a crazy person trying to get things done or finish up blog stuff, so, not surprisingly, I’m often pooped by the time he goes to bed. And, of course, I know staying home and raising my son is a privilege; I am very lucky, but I also think it’s totally okay to be tired by the end of the day and look forward to a glass of wine. That said, here are some of the things we do to help keep our day sane and running smoothly.

The morning nap is a must. We have Quinn on a pretty good nap schedule. His afternoon nap is still pretty flexible. We just feel him out, and he usually goes down anywhere from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, but his morning nap is one that we really try to be consistent about. It’s his longest nap of the day and if he misses it, he is cranky for the rest of the day. Holy cow, is he cranky. He usually goes down for it without an issue, but if he fights it, I’ll do everything in my power to get him to sleep. Hello, Marylou’s drive thru!

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I make dinner during naptime. When I am home with Quinn during the week, I use his naps as an opportunity to make dinner. I also clean up around the house and do a various chores, but my main priority is dinner, so when Mal gets home, we can spend time together with our little peanut. It just makes our evenings together run more smoothly””one less thing to think about!

We get out at least once a day. Even in the dead of winter when we had seven feet on snow on the ground, I made it a point to get out of the house with Quinn at least once a day””going to KFIT, seeing family/friends, running errands around town, taking a walk with Murphy. Most of the time, it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we’re out of the house. We both enjoy being out and about, so it’s good for the both of us!

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We keep things organized with rotating toy bins. The toy situation in our living room was getting a bit out of control, so we bought this toy bin organizer a couple of months ago, and it’s been life-changing every since. We take one or two bins at a time from Quinn’s bedroom into the living room, so he has a bunch of toys to play with, but it’s no crazy-messy either.


We stick to a bedtime routine. Around 5:30/6:00 PM every night, we start Quinn’s bedtime routine. Every other night, it includes a bath, and, every night, it involves dinner, PJs, and books. We stick to this routine””although the duration varies from night to night””and it helps get the little guy to bed without a problem.

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Mal and I spend 20 minutes cleaning up the house after dinner. This makes such a huge difference in both how we feel going to bed and waking up the next morning.

Question of the Day

What do you do to keep your day sane and running smoothly?

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