Toys Every ’80s Girl Wanted For Christmas

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Gooooood morning and happy Monday to you! How was your weekend? Filled with lots of holiday cheer? I sure hope so!

My weekend was great””pretty low-key to start (lots of rest and relaxation), but it picked up yesterday with a fun 5K that I ran with some lovely ladies from KFIT. That said, here are some pics from my weekend!

Day 13: Get holiday beverages from Starbucks. <— My new favorite is an iced decaf Americano with a splash of eggnog. It’s the best of both worlds: strong, bold espresso + creamy, sweet eggnog. Perfection.

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LOOK WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL ON SATURDAY! Holy cow! I am so excited!

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We had our first fire of the season.

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And Quinn had a BLAST playing with some newspaper, which we soon switched to wrapping paper since he’s little hands were instantly covered in newspaper print. (Clearly, Murphy did not understand why we thought this was so adorable. I mean, it’s not that cute when he plays with newspaper. Poor Murphy. There are so many double-standards with this baby that he doesn’t understand, like how Quinn can poop in the house, but he can’t.)

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I ran a holiday 5K yesterday and then drank a million beers. <— recap coming soon!

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Health News & Views

In the next few weeks leading up to the holidays, your weekends will likely be jam-packed with opportunities to eat, drink, and be merry. Of course, it’s the most wonderful time of year (you should enjoy yourself), but if you’re not careful with your choices, weekend splurges can really add up and wreak havoc on your health and your waistline.

Even though festive holiday get-togethers might be the perfect excuse to let loose, you probably don’t want your healthy habits to fall by the wayside all together. I mean, no one wants to ring in the new year a few pounds heavier, right?

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images

Here are five tips to keep in mind when you’re enjoying yourself during the coming holiday weekends: 5 Tips for Keeping Off the Weekend Weight!

Question of the Day

I saw this post on Buzzfeed the other day and loved reading it so much. It brought back so many memories about awesome toys I wanted as a little girl back in the 80s… many of which I haven’t thought about in a good 20+ years! I thought some of you guys might enjoy reminiscing too, so please feel free to play along in the comment section!

What awesome toys did you want back in the 80s?

My favorites:

  • Girl Talk Date Line Board Game: I wanted this game so badly, but my friend Jenn had it, so every time I went over her house, I would ask to play. It was a pretty awesome game back then (it talked to you!!), so she was always up for playing!
  • Fashion Plates: I had these and loved them! I loved any sort of arts & crafts project back then. Still do!
  • Get In Shape, Girl!: I had 3 or 4 different sets and used them all the time. My love for fitness started early on!
  • Popples & Pound Puppies: I loved both of these stuffed animals!
  • Jem and the Hologram Dolls: I loved Jem (truly outrageous)! I remember asking for these dolls one Christmas, but I’m sure my mom Santa realized I didn’t need any more dolls in my life. Haha!

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