A New Day In The Life

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Things are definitely different around here nowadays, so I thought it would be fun to give you guys a little peak into our new lives. Here’s a little behind-the-scenes recap of Monday! (All times are approximate and, of course, this is just one of many days!)

3:00 AM: Hear Q crying, so I wake up. Mal is already heating up a bottle to feed him. I get out of bed, cuddle Q, and then pump another bottle since I plan to go to CrossFit later in the morning.

3:15 AM: Go back to bed and thank Mal for taking over baby duties for the night. (I’m usually on baby duty in the evenings, but I haven’t slept very much lately, so I asked Mal to take over and he kindly agreed.)

5:45 AM: Hear Q fussing. I get out of bed and check on him, but he falls back to sleep. I’m too excited to go back to bed myself (it’s CrossFit Day!), so I get up, pour myself an iced coffee, eat a snack, and start working.

7:00 AM: Eat breakfast.

7:30 AM: Take Murphy for a walk.

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7:45 AM: Return home and hear Q crying. Mal is holding him and immediately hands him over to me. Time for him to eat!

8:30 AM: Mal takes over baby duties while I get dressed for CrossFit.

8:40 AM: Drive to CrossFit.

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9:00 AM: CROSSFIT!!!

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10:15 AM: Stop at Whole Foods for iced coffees.

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10:30 AM: Arrive home. Tell Mal all about CrossFit while we drink our iced coffees.

11:00 AM: Take a shower.

11:15 AM: Pump a bottle. (I always like to have at least one in the fridge just in case there’s an emergency hunger situation, and I’m not available.)

11:30 AM: Put away the laundry that has been sitting on top of my dresser for the past 3 days.

11:35 AM: Feed Q (combo of breast and bottle – Mal offers to help out). Q is fussy afterward, so there’s a lot of burping, rocking, bouncing, diaper changing, etc.

12:15 PM: Q settles down, so I make lunch for Mal and me and then chow down!

12:35 PM: I work while Q snoozes.

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1:45 PM: Q wakes up. Time to eat again!

2:30 PM: Q settles down. He doesn’t sleep, but he’s happy chilling in his Little Lounger, so I make a snack and then do some work while Mal hangs out with him.

3:10 PM: Tummy time with Q!

3:15 PM: Family walk time! Mal and I take Q and Murphy for a walk around the neighborhood.

3:55 PM: Return home. Q is passed out, so I do a bunch of stuff around the house (laundry, chop veggies for dinner, bring in the trash cans from outside, cut up a cantaloupe).

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4:15 PM: Mal leaves for CrossFit. I crack open a can of blood orange San Pellegrino, turn on the Real Housewives of Orange Country, and fold laundry.

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5:00 PM: Pump a bottle.

5:15 PM: Do some work and try not to cry when I look at my inbox. YIKES! Haha!

5:45 PM: Finish making dinner.

6:00 PM: Mal gets home from CrossFit.

6:15 PM: Eat dinner + a Kashi Crunchy Granola & Seed Chocolate Chip Bar with almond butter. Watch TV with Mal.

6:35 PM: Q wakes up. Feed him, burp him, change him, cuddle him, etc.

7:40 PM: Mal takes over baby duties, so I can take a quick shower because our house is a million degrees, and I’ve been sweating all day long and I am gross.

7:55 PM: Clean up the house. Eat some cantaloupe.

8:35 PM: Q is cranky, so I try feeding him. It works because we’re all in bed about an hour later.

9:35 PM: Lights out.

2:35 AM: Q wakes up. Feed him, burp him, cuddle him, put him back to bed.

3:45 AM: Finish this post. Go back to bed.

The end.

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