CrossFit Home Gym Essentials

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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The majority of the equipment featured in this post was supplied by Again Faster Equipment. As always, the opinions expressed are honest and all my own.

Last Friday, Mal and I received a very special delivery to our house: a CrossFit home gym from Again Faster! It was nearly 700 pounds worth of equipment!

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Unpacking all of the different equipment was like Christmas morning, and Mal and I were geeking-out hardcore.

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And, of course, we had to “play” with all of the equipment as we unwrapped it!


The 30-pound slam ball is almost the exact same size and weight as my baby bump!

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Driveway WOD? Dumbbell Thrusters!


Kettlebell swings! Yep, Mal and I definitely had a fun time trying out the new equipment!

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Eventually, we got serious and moved everything downstairs into our basement where our home gym will be.

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Introducing our home gym!

Again Faster CrossFit home gym

A couple of details about the space:

  • It’s small. The space measures just 12′ X 12′, which is actually more like 12′ x 9′ because there’s a huge vent attached to the ceiling that makes about 3 of those feet unusable for working out. We can store equipment in that space, but you can’t stand up and work out there. For this reason, only one person can exercise at a time in our home gym. Maybe, depending on the workout, Mal and I could both use the gym at the same time, but for the most part, it’s a one-person-at-a-time home gym.
  • The ceilings are low. Our basement ceiling measures 6.5 feet, so we can’t do any overhead movements, which is somewhat limiting, but we picked some really awesome equipment from Again Faster, and I know we’ll still be able to get in some great workouts!


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(Of course, I ran out to buy a whiteboard as soon as we got our home gym set up! It’s a CrossFit necessity!)


With the help and recommendations of Again Faster, here’s what we picked for our home gym (not including the BOSU and 10-pound dumbbells):

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Some notes about what we picked:

  • Kettlebells: Mal and I both went up in weight on the kettlebells we selected, compared to what we usually use at CrossFit. Since we can’t do regular (overhead) swings, we figured the heavier weight would be better for movements like Russian Kettlebell Swings, Kettlebell Deadlifts, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, etc. He went with a 32-kg (70.5 pounds) kettlebell, and I went with a 20-kg (44 pounds) kettlebell, but I’m sure we’ll end up using both sizes for various workouts.
  • Dumbbells: The 25-pound dumbbells were a suggestion from Again Faster, and they’ve already gotten a ton of use. They’re so versatile! Just some of the movements we’ve used them for so far: Thrusters, Shoulder Press, Chest Press, Lunges, and “Man Makers.”
  • Slam Balls: These were another recommendation from Again Faster and, honestly, they’re probably the piece of equipment that I am most excited about because I wasn’t even sure if I even wanted them at first. Now, I realize how awesome these things are for getting your heart rate up. We don’t have a lot of room in our basement to do a lot of cardio, but slam balls get you huffing and puffing in a matter of minutes. A set of ball slams instantly turns a regular workout into a really tough workout! I highly recommend at least one for a home gym. We have two slam balls (30 pounds and 15 pounds). I use the 15-pounder for straight-up cardio and then the 30-pounder for more strength-based moves like Cleans.
  • Barbell: Again Faster has three options for their barbells: 20 kg (44 pounds), 15 kg (33 pounds), and training (15 pounds). Mal and I went with the 20 kg because it’s the bar we use most often at CrossFit and we get a little extra weight with it!
  • Rubber Bumper Plate Set (260-lb): We picked Rubber Bumper Plates over cast iron plates, so we could drop the bar in our basement and do CrossFit-style workouts. We figured 260 pounds was probably enough weight for us to start. I don’t see us doing any 1 rep maxes or anything like that in our basement (we’ll save those for 781). The purpose of our home gym is more to fit in a workout when we’re short on time or can’t get to a CrossFit class.

So, that’s a summary of our new home gym and, in the coming weeks and months, you’ll probably see a lot more of it on CNC. I have all sorts of fun stuff planned, including workouts, product reviews, and giveaways from Again Faster. And, of course, our home gym will be part of my post-baby shape-up, so I hope it’ll give you guys, especially the moms, some great ideas for working out at home!

Questions of the Day

Do you have a gym at home? If so, what do you consider your essential pieces of equipment? If not, what equipment would you absolutely love to have in your dream home gym? 

CrossFit peeps: What would the essential equipment be in your home gym? 

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