
170 Wall Balls + 43 DUs {Recap of 13.3}

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
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Well, Open WOD 13.3 was a tough one. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I survived and managed to beat my previous score, so I’m happy.

Workout 13.3

12 minute AMRAP of:
150 Wall balls
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

To prepare for the Wall ball madness, I practiced my technique at home. I always feel like I get crushed below the 14-pound ball when I do them, so I asked Mal for some tips. He suggested catching the ball higher and then riding it down. I guess I was catching it too low””hence being crushed under the ball. I dunno. My Wall balls need work.


Please note my mismatch sneakers in the photo above. I was trying to decide if I liked the Nanos or the Sublites better for CrossFit, so I was wearing them around the house and doing random exercises to test them out. Verdict: Nanos. Best CrossFit shoe ever.

While I practiced my Wall balls in the living room, Murphy looked on from the couch.


I guess watching all of that physical activity exhausted him.


His life”¦


”¦ is so hard.



A little while later, Mal and I headed to 781 to tackle 13.3. On Thursday nights, our box holds an “Advanced Open Preparation Class” to prepare for the next Open WOD. The majority of the people in the class do a trial run of the workout and then do it “for real” on the weekend. Mal and I both just wanted to get it over with, so we planned to do it “for real” last night. Thankfully, there were a few other people who wanted to do it last night too.

When we arrived, a few of the coaches were measuring the Wall ball targets for the workout (9 feet for ladies; 10 feet for men). Apparently, the painted line at our new box is higher than 10 feet, which made the 9-foot target so much more manageable!


Mal’s heat went first.


He flew through the Wall balls and Double-unders.


And made it to the Muscle-ups with about 2.5 minutes left.



He got his first Muscle-up, no problem, but then struggled to get any more. Mal wasn’t happy with his performance because he got the same score as he did last year during 12.4 (13.3 is a repeat workout), so he’s debating doing it again this weekend.


I, however, will not be doing this workout again. It was brutal, I’ve done it 3 times now, and I just don’t want to put myself through it again. Plus, Wall balls are truly my nemesis.

Not joking or exaggerating, I was no-reped 20 times during the Wall balls for either missing the target or not getting below parallel with my squat. Wall balls are just not an exercise that my body likes to do. I finished the Wall balls with more than a minute to spare, so I busted out as many Double-unders as I could, but I kept messing up and only managed 43. Mal said I looked “frantic” and “spastic,” so I definitely need to work on keeping my cool when Double-unders come up in workouts. Ya need to be loose!

I’m a little bummed about all of my no-reps during the Wall balls, but, obviously, it’s my own fault. These workouts have standards that need to be upheld, and I totally get that. I guess I’m just mad at myself for wasting time and energy trying to get through the Wall balls. Imagine how much time I would have had to do Double-unders if I didn’t do an extra 20 Wall balls! Ha! Oh, well. I still managed to get a higher score than the last two times I did this workout, so I’m happy that I improved.


After CrossFit, Mal and I came home and made dinner, which was a Mexican Hash Egg Bake from PaleOMG.

today's special

This meal was so frickin’ good! I ended up using a can of Rotel instead of fire-roasted tomatoes and adding black beans (there was half of a can in the refrigerator that needed to be used up), which were delicious additions. Definitely try this recipe! You won’t be disappointed!


Question of the Day

What exercise is your nemesis?

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