Before CrossFit last night, I grabbed a clementine and some pistachios to snack on. As I went to photograph them, I decided to get Murphy involved””mainly because he was closely following me around the kitchen and seemed like he wanted to help.
I got everything set up for the photoshoot, but then Murphy heard a noise at the front door.
What is it?!?
Annnndd then he was gone.
Obviously, Mal coming home is a lot more exciting than a photoshoot. I still ate my snack after I photographed.
On the drive to CrossFit, Mal and I got on the topic of things that Murphy and I have in common. I have no idea how the conversation started, but it was pretty entertaining. Here’s what Murphy and I have in common (the last 3 are Mal’s contributions):
- We love long walks.
- We enjoy participating in road races.
- We love food and we’ll pretty much do anything for a treat.
- Our birthdays are in June.
- We can fall asleep anywhere.
- Two of our favorite foods are peanut butter and carrots.
- We don’t like snow.
- Mal is our favorite person.
- We love to smile. Smiling’s our favorite.
- We’re bed hogs.
- We’re slightly neurotic.
- When we wake up, our breath smells like low tide.
My husband is so sweet, isn’t he? LOL!
I know I said this the last time I went to CrossFit, but this WOD was the hardest one so far. My shoulders are so sore this morning!
Shoulder Press
WOD: Pull-ups Handstand Push-ups
Oh, yes, you read that correctly: sixty pull-ups + thirty handstand push-ups.
Our CrossFit coaches post the WOD the night before, so I checked it out yesterday afternoon. I’m not going to lie, I immediately thought: “F that. I’m not doing handstand push-ups. I can’t do those.” But, when I got to CrossFit last night, I realized (like I always do) that I can do those seemly crazy-hard exercises. (At my first session, I didn’t think I could do a box jump, and now I can bust out 50 of them in a row!) Plus, CrossFit truly has a modification (or substitution) for every exercise, so I ended up doing all 60 pull-ups and 30 handstand push-ups with the help of resistance bands. I also threw up 45-pounds on the shoulder press, no problem. Next time, I’ll definitely go heavier. I’ve never really lifted heavy weights, so I didn’t want to overdo it the very first time.
Check out Mal and me getting our pull-ups on! (You can see the resistance bands that I mentioned.) One of our coaches snapped this pic last night. So fun!
Obviously, my upper body is super sore from yesterday’s WOD, so I’m taking the day off to rest. The only physical activity on today’s agenda is a trip to the dog park with my favorite pug.
After CrossFit, Mal and I headed home for dinner. On the menu: mushroom and pepperoni pizza on a whole wheat crust. Mal requested extra cheese and made sure there was enough to his liking before I put the pizza in the oven. He loves cheese!
Mmm”¦ cheese. I ended up eating three pieces of pizza.
After dinner, I wanted something to satisfy my sweet tooth, so I ate a chocolate from our Advent calendar.
This morning’s breakfast was a big ol’ Protein Pancake topped with sunflower butter. I didn’t have any baking powder, so I worried that my pancake wouldn’t fluff-up, but it turned out alright””a little on the dense side, but still delicious.
Mal finished off the rest of the iced coffee this morning, so I brewed another batch, which I am now waiting to cool. Hurry up, caffeine!
Question of the Day
What do you have in common with your pet?
P.S. For those of you with Christmas shopping left to do, Ebates has some sweet deals and free shipping on a bunch of stores right now. I just did a crap-ton of online shopping this morning and got a ton of cash back. Woot!