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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Fit + Fueled

An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
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Hello, friends! How’s your week going so far? Monday flew by for us. Here’s a little recap from our day!

Quinn and I did our usually “baba” and iced coffee thing on the couch and then we ate breakfast shortly after that. Usually, Quinn doesn’t eat breakfast right away, but he was hungry yesterday. His new things at breakfast: 1) Wanting his blanket with him while he eats; 2) Putting covers on allthethings. His new love for his blanket is totally adorable. The second I give it to him, his faces totally lights up! And the cover thing is pretty entertaining too. If he sees that something comes with a cover (i.e. Tupperware, a cottage cheese container), he MUST put the cover on it. He seems to enjoy the challenge, so most of his meals involve a combination of eating and working on his putting-on-cover skills.

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My breakfast: Crock pot oatmeal with blueberries, almonds, and chia seeds, breakfast sausage, and iced coffee.

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After breakfast, we read about a dozen books, which is one of our recent favorite activities. Quinn still isn’t interested in TV (although, he likes watching puppy videos on YouTube – who doesn’t?), but he lovvveessss books!

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Mid-morning, we got ourselves ready to go to KFIT. The workout was a good one. I did Rx+ and finished in 13:55. The Overhead Lunges with #85 almost killed me, but I’m glad that I pushed myself to do them!

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Post-workout protein shake made with SFH (vanilla) Recovery, iced coffee, and soy milk. Perfection.

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Lunch: Romaine lettuce topped with ground turkey mixed with avocado, salt, and pepper + red grapes from California, sliced almonds, and chia seeds.

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After lunch: A couple of coconut date rolls. Heavenly.

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In the afternoon, Quinn and I visited the library. We needed new books! (And… THAT HAIR. We *might* cut it this weekend. We’ll see.)

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At the library, we played a balloon popping game on the computer. Quinn was really into it!

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After the library, we swung by Hornstra Farms to buy some milk.

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And, of course, we needed to say “hi” to the cows!

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Cow kiss!

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Cow lick!

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Which Quinn thought was absolutely hilarious!

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We also bought “Dada” some Mocha Chip ice cream because he might love ice cream more than he loves us. I won some serious wife points yesterday! Haha!

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Once Mal was home, we all played in the backyard for quite awhile. It was such a beautiful evening!

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Murphy especially had a great time. There was so much “elephant butt” happening!

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Question of the Day

Top 3: What made you smile yesterday?

Me: Quinn cracking up after getting licked by a cow, watching Murphy elephant butt, the gorgeous Fall weather!

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