First Basement Workout

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

Fit + Fueled

An in-depth, 4-week reverse dieting course for women who feel like their metabolism has slowed down, think they might have hormonal imbalance and can’t lose weight no matter what they do.
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Thank you for all of your nice comments on my previous post about our new home gym! I’m so excited about it and can’t wait to share my experience as well as the workouts I do there! That said, here’s my first basement workout and, boy, it was a good one! It ended up being a lot harder than it looks!


The exercises, equipment, and weights that I used:


We’re getting a wall timer from Again Faster Equipment soon, but, in the meantime, we’re using a cool app called WODBOX Pro, which gives you three CrossFit timer options (AMRAP, TABATA, or “for-time”), for our workouts. It’s super easy to use and works great on a tablet, so you can easily keep track of the time.

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The movements (video demonstrations are linked above) with “Tina Planet” in action:

Ball Slams

Kettlebell Deadlifts

Russian Kettlebell Swings

Shoulder Press

As I previously mentioned, this workout was a lot harder than I expected it to be. The Ball Slams and Russian Kettlebell Swings got my heart rate soaring, and the Kettlebell Deadlifts and Shoulder Presses seriously challenged my muscles. I definitely felt the burn!

I really liked this WOD because it was a total body workout, but short and sweet at the same time. Even though it was only 15 minutes, I felt like I still got a good workout because I accomplished so much in a short amount of time. I finished 4 rounds, so 60 reps of each exercise, in 15 minutes. Well, technically, I did 3 rounds + 58 reps, but I was so close to finishing the last set of Shoulder Presses, I just did the last two after the timer buzzed.

So, there’s the first of many workouts in our home gym! I hope you guys are as excited as me about this new feature on CNC! I’m a poet, and I don’t even know it! Ok, I’m done.

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