Week 2 Challenge: Log Four Workouts

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Hi, I'm Tina!

I’m the owner of Carrots ‘N’ Cake as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). I use macros and functional nutrition to help women find balance within their diets while achieving their body composition goals.

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Are you ready for week 2? Here’s your challenge:

week 2 log 4 workouts

For this week’s challenge, get your booty in gear for FOUR workouts. The type and duration is totally up to you. We all have different fitness levels and preferences, so base this challenge off your current exercise regimen. A few examples”¦

  • If you typically work out 3 times per week, add a 4th workout this week.
  • If you already work out 4 times per week, make one of those sessions 15 minutes longer.
  • If you already work out 5 times per week, make your 5th workout something totally new and different””and think outside the box! Try a new group exercise class, go outside (or inside) for your workout, join a friend for one of her workouts, clean your entire house but stop every 7 minutes to do a set of plyometrics”¦ you get the idea. Mix it up and report back!

Here are three of my top tips for this week:

  • Sometime this weekend, sit down and schedule your four workout sessions for this week. Pull out your calendar, maybe even the group exercise schedule at your gym, and plan out when exactly you will work out. Set up your sweat sessions just like regular appointments that can’t be missed! And here’s why this is key to fitness motivation!
  • Get specific with your workouts! For example: Monday = Body Pump, Tuesday = 3 miles on the treadmill, Wednesday = off, Thursday = Body Pump, Friday = 20 minutes of yoga + 15 minutes of core work at home, Saturday = off. That way, you get a variety of workouts in your week and you’re more likely to stick to them because you can prepare yourself ahead of time for them.
  • Just do it. Don’t feel like working out? Turn your brain on autopilot, put on your workout clothes, and get your butt in gear. If you start thinking about how tired you are or everything you need to do at home, you will inevitably delay your workout and/or skip it all together. Just shut off your brain and GO WORK OUT! Simply starting your workout is more than half the battle!

More motivation from posts I’ve written in the past:

Some workouts to try this week:








10-Minute HIIT workout

And there are even more workouts on my Pinterest boards: CrossFit-Inspired Workouts and Treadmill & Elliptical Workouts.

Ok, I think that’s everything!

Happy sweating this week!

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